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What is Toadsquare?


Toadsquare is the hub of the creative industries - a global network linking professional talents in the worlds of Film & Video, Music & Audio, the Performing Arts, Photography & Art and Writing & Publishing.

It is the online centre for creatives and their fans. A place to come and discover new, emerging creative talent and cherry-pick experienced talent. Toadsquare helps facilitate the best creative projects from all over the globe, highlighting opportunities for media sales, employment, artistic collaboration, social interaction, forum debates, event promotion and online exposure.

According to tradition, creative souls live in ivory towers, disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life and business. No more! Toadsquare wires all creative professionals for global interaction and recognition. Managed by you - from your own computer, tablet or even smartphone, at your desk or on the move - Toadsquare is your invaluable:

  • Virtual shop window

  • Noticeboard

  • Job centre

  • Marketplace

  • Speakers’ corner

  • Exhibition space

  • Salesroom

  • Directory of niche skills

  • Classified advertising space

  • Community of kindred spirits

Which makes Toadsquare the place to come to be entertained and inspired

As a creative professional, you know curiosity stimulates your inspiration, and inspiration is the heartbeat of your work. So come and discover exciting new material. See what else is going on out there. Creative members will always be a core audience for other creative talents!

Or are you a Fan? If so, you’re vital to the creative industry. So come and indulge your inner fan girl or boy and spread your enthusiasm. Support that up-and-coming actress; that bright writer; ensure that cool avant-garde work gets viewed.

For details on your FREE membership see Membership Options.