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Maximum exposure

Toadsquare helps people discover you. As a member, you promote yourself, in your own terms. You Showcase your work, define and control the presentation of your skills, make your name known.

Toadsquare helps you stand out from the competition, both locally and globally. Our sophisticated search function can be filtered by language and location as well as the more traditional genre searches.

You can’t pay to have ‘better positioning’ – as some publishers pay for their books to have prominence in the bookstores or record companies pay to have their artists played on the radio. Everyone has an equal opportunity to maximise their Toadsquare presence. The more material you post – with a clever variety of titles, online descriptions and tag words – the more visible you become.

Key points about public exposure:

  • Toadsquare is a public network, open to members from all over the world, 24/7.

  • A company website is not private, and neither is your Toadsquare Showcase.

  • If you don’t want to put something out in the public arena, don’t put it up.

Keys points about privacy:

  • Your Toadsquare Work Profile & Portfolio is private. Here you can include your contact information and the work you don’t want to share with the world.

  • The work applications you send and receive remain private.

  • What you crave in Work remains private – just in case your boss doesn’t know you’re dreaming of a better job!