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Blow your own trumpet

You do not have to be a professional horn player to ‘blow your own trumpet’. The phrase used to suggest boastful self-promotion, but that was before the world became the ultra-competitive marketplace it is today. Never have public relations been more important. The business of creating, building and maintaining a strong reputation for your particular skills and achievement is a vital part of your armoury. In the world of the creative industries, it is your ‘name’ and ‘image’ that marks you out and gives you a competitive lead.

While the world needs the public relations experts for a full-on, strategic service to establish good will and mutual understanding between a business and its public, a Toadsquare member - whether the individual creative, associated professional or small enterprise - can go a long way to build their own effective online PR.

At every stage we aid online publicity management. We remind you to email and share you work, your publicity shots, your news articles.

Most importantly, your Toadsquare Showcase gives you a vibrant online presence – which is, in itself, PR. The more people you direct to the site through your social media and email, the better.